
Prime Rates
Prime Rate 7.20%
Mortgage Rates Rates
6 Month Closed 7.75%
6 Month Open 9.75%
1 Year 7.85%
2 Year 7.40%
3 Year 7.00%
4 Year 6.75%
5 Year 6.85%
5 Year Special Rate As Low As 5.24%
Term Deposit / RRSP / RRIF / TFSA Rates - Over $1000 Rates
1 Year 4.75%
2 Year 4.55%
3 Year 4.25%
4 Year 4.25%
5 Year 4.15%
HISA 1.50%
Personal Savings Rates
0 - 4,999 0.25%
5,000 - 9,999 0.35%
10,000 - 24,999 0.35%
25,000 - 59,999 0.75%
60,000 and over 1.00%
*0% interest paid if cashed early (after 30 days).

Interest rates are provided for information purposes only and are subject to change without notice at any time.