Atlantic Central provides bursaries to community college students each year. This program is available in Nova Scotia at the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC). Two full-time students at each of the 13 NSCC campuses will be awarded a $500 bursary, for a total of $13,000 being provided.
Who is eligible?
The bursary program is open to all full-time students of NSCC.
What is the criteria?
Students must demonstrate a commitment to completing their studies, financial need, and involvement in their community. Special consideration may be given to students who are Credit Union members or can demonstrate an affiliation with the Credit Union System.
Where can I apply?
Contact the NSCC student awards office or website for application forms, or students can visit Atlantic Credit Unions for bursary details and links to application forms.
What is the deadline to apply?
The deadline varies by college between October and January, so be sure to check with your college's award office.
David Maxwell Environmental Technology Bursary - NSCC Lunenburg Campus
LaHave River Credit Union is pleased to support students gaining knowledge, practical skills, and theory in the areas of environmental sustainability, allowing students to empower their future careers in resource and environmental management with support through the Dr. David Maxwell Environmental Studies bursary. This award was established by the LaHave River Credit Union in honour of Dr. David Maxwell, a dedicated environmental advocate and Credit Union board of directors member.
The Credit Union hopes to inspire others to start conversations about the value of supporting and making smart choices now to create a more sustainable future.
This $1,000 bursary will be awarded to one full-time student at the NSCC Lunenburg Campus who is enrolled in the Natural Resources Environmental Technology program. Learn more and how to apply here.