About Member Direct
With MemberDirect® online service you have the convenience of 24/7 access to your LaHave River Credit Union account.
Before you get started you need a personal Access Code (PAC). This code ensures the security and confidentiality of your system. If you don't already have one visit LaHave River Credit Union.
Before you get started you need a personal Access Code (PAC). This code ensures the security and confidentiality of your system. If you don't already have one visit LaHave River Credit Union.
Getting Started:
- Visit www.LaHaveRiverCreditUnion.ca (Click 'Login to Online Banking' on the Right)
download our mobile app for your Apple or Android device (see info below). - Enter your 8 digit Member Number. The 6th and 7th digits should always be 0. Example: 12345006
- Enter your personal access code (PAC).
Online Banking 101 - 2 Account Activity
Online Banking 101 - 3 Add a Payee
Online Banking 101 - 4 Pay a Bill
Online Banking 101 - 5 Add a Recipient
Online Banking 101 - 6 Send eTransfer (including international e-transfers)
Online Banking 101 - 7 Set Up CRA
Mobile Banking App
Use your smart phone or tablet to access your accounts, get balances, transfer money, pay bills, send money, or deposit cheques using just your phone. Visit Google Play or the Apple App Store and search for LaHave River Credit Union to download and install your App.
Google Android App:
Apple IOS App: